Potty training is very simple if done well. There are two methods I recommend to people and this depends on your job and home situation. Every time a puppy potties outside, they get rewarded and praised.

First Method: The easiest by far is staying home with your puppy and taking them outside to potty every single day, every 2 hours, on the hour. I will send each adoptive family home with a baggie of horse bedding equine potty pellets to be poured in your yard and then I would allow puppies to go potty on top of these pellets. “Horse Bedding Equine Wood Pellets:” typically smell like the outside — woodsy — which is why they work fairly well, and they can be bought at tractor supply. I recommend placing them far away from your home so that your new dog will not potty directly beside your house. No one wants poop filled landscaping! These equine pellets are linked on our product page. Puppies have been trained to pee/poop in a specific potty area since 2 weeks of age. We try to set them up for success before leaving our home! When working with one of our personal pups, I lead them to the same spot in our yard every time I take them outside and reward them as soon as they potty outside. This is why the training treats you have kept in your pocket are so important! I recognize that a normal person's working schedule may not fit into this mold or be possible. Do not overly worry or stress about this! 

Second Method: You can have two designated “areas'' set up for pottying while training your puppy: inside and outside! Add an inside “potty area,” typically set up in a larger play space for pups. It works well if you purchase a plastic tray with a wire grate – linked on product page – and line this tray with puppy pads and horse equine pellets. These are also known as wood pellets, you have likely seen them if you know anyone that has a pellet smoker! I line the tray first with puppy pads, then sprinkle a handful of wood pellets on top! This seems to be the easiest, most effective method. If you leave the puppy in this play area frequently and allow them to pee/poop here, they typically use it repeatedly once established. The goal is for them to use this every time they have an “accident” inside the home. Then I would supplement this by leading your doodle pupper outside and following the first method of above. 

It's very important to note that while you are potty training a puppy, accidents will occur. To expect perfection is not fair! Go ahead and pick up all your rugs, and puppy proof your home! It will help you in the long run to get ahead of frustrations while training. I have also learned that negative reinforcement does not help anything. Everyone has a different opinion on this. For me, the best way to handle an accident inside is to quickly pick the puppy up and put them directly outside. If you can catch them while they're having the accident, scoop them up, say a sharp NO and then move them outside. If they have already made the accident and it is over and done, I still put them outside to potty on their own or go with them if needed. While they’re outside, I quickly clean up the mess with a really good odor blocking cleaner. If the accident is said and done, I still lead them outside simply because if they pee in the house, they will likely need to poop right after. If given the opportunity to potty outside, they will usually take it and use it! It’s also a good way to do a “gentle timeout” where they learn if they pee/poop inside, it means separation from you as the owner.