Most anxiety you see in dogs is a learned behavioral trait. 

I’ve worked with pups for a long time and this is more true than anything I’ve said this far: dogs respond to how you are. If you are an anxious, up-tight personality type, your dog will typically mimic this behavior. Be aware of how you react to them and how you are in your daily life. If you are an easy going, happy-go-lucky family, your puppy will be this way. If you have hyperactive children in your home, your puppy will adapt to this behavior and mimic the kiddos energy level. That’s totally fine! But don’t be surprised when this happens. We breed lower energy doodle dogs that are easy going and laid back. When puppies leave our home, this is the average personality type of our newfypoo and goldendoodle puppies. 

 A Note on Separation Anxiety:

This is a learned trait. If you never crate train a puppy and never leave them in your home alone, they will likely have a high level of anxiety when you leave without them. This shows itself by a puppy who howls, whines, cries, barks, and pitches actual fits when you leave them at any time. Do not allow this! You are in control and in charge! We know they love you — that makes us happy. BUT, you as the owner need to train them to be okay at home, on their own. It’s also wise to take puppies on “field trip days” and leave them with a “babysitter” for the day. This can be a beloved family member, trusted friend, veterinarian who kennels pups… anyone you trust to watch them for a period of time! 

A previous Willow newfypoo pupper, hangin’ with his family!